Youth Services

CARPs youth workers offer various youth programmes and also engage in one to one work with young people while linking in with multiple agencies in the community.

The CARP youth worker provides a safe space to facilitate  quality, inclusive and accessible activities and programmes such as:

  • Open-door, age-appropriate drop-in services are available.
  • Summer programmes and trips off-site

Collaboration with groups:

  • Secondary Schools.
  • Probation, Homeless Services.
  • Killinarden Community Centre.
  • One-ones Safety and well-being of all young people is paramount throughout all provisions that will be provided.

We will strive to ensure that all our provision is developmental, educational and conscious raising for young people.

We will aim is to empower young people through personal development, critical social education, confidence and social skill building, to help them develop their sense of self-worth and respect which in turn will benefit themselves, their families and our wider community.

These personal and community benefits will become evident in the following outcomes: 

Drug free
Reduced drug taking through harm reduction practices
Belonging to the community/Pride
Life & Practical skills
Greater Cultural awareness
Informed life choices
Programme participation
Increased School Completion & Education pathways
Increased employment opportunities.

Youth Project Social Media Channels

Who is it for and with?

CARP will work with young people in the community aged 12 to 25 years of age.

CARP will aim to work with:

  • Young people who do not often engage in any other service provision
  • Most at risk and vulnerable young people (target groups)
  • Early school leavers
  • Young people who experience marginalisation
  • Young people who are experiencing issues in their lives both socially and personally
  • Young people from New Communities
  • Young people from the Travelling community
  • Young people who enjoy our services and want to mix with their peers
  • The school completion officer in Killinarden Community School
  • Links to local & regional support groups
  • Young people that want to reduce their drug use.

A range of youth work strategies will be used within our work with youth work. Programmes will be delivered using a variety of interactive methods and voluntary participation will be at the centre of that process.

Operating hours:

Monday 11 am – 9 pm

Friday 11 am – 9 pm 

Saturday drop-in 12- 4 pm